Are you overworked and underpaid? Don’t sacrifice your drive and dedication by settling for less than you deserve. Reignite your ambition by taking time to discover your options, possibilities, and dreams with a coach from The Entrepreneur’s Source®, the nation’s leading career coaching franchise.
Quiet Quitting Takes Root
Lack of job security, economic uncertainty, and current events are prompting many Americans to take their foot off the gas. After spending two years juggling remote work, family priorities, and safety concerns during the pandemic, people are hitting a wall. Workplace frustration initially led to the Great Resignation in 2021, when more than 47.4 million Americans quit their jobs to pursue better opportunities. Although corporations are still experiencing high turnover, an insidious new trend is starting to take root, preventing many people from achieving career satisfaction.
Rather than go above and beyond at the office, people are quiet quitting in droves. Gone are the times when employers could count on people to work 16-hour days to hit an unrealistic deadline or drop plans at the last minute to fly cross country to satisfy a disgruntled client. Employees are no longer willing to go the extra mile on the job and are taking a beat by doing the bare minimum. People who are quiet quitting are not emotionally invested in their jobs and are only doing enough to get a paycheck.
Quiet quitting is the extreme reaction of employees who have ineffective management and lack a well-defined future. Employees suffer when employers create an environment that fosters stress, worry, and anger. A whopping 41% of Americans experience worry at work, and 50% feel stressed on a daily basis, according to a Gallup poll of 15,091 workers.
Hard-working Americans are putting their career aspirations on pause and dialing back to alleviate burnout caused by management’s willingness to sacrifice its workforce to achieve its goals. At least half of the United States workforce is quiet quitting, and only 33% are engaged at work, reports Gallup. Quiet quitting is particularly rampant among young workers. Lack of mentoring and working remotely is causing them to flounder. Shockingly, less than 40% of young remote or hybrid workers understand their job expectations.
If you are one of the many people who are quiet quitting, proceed. There’s a chance you may not be pulling a fast one on your employer. As rumors of a recession loom and companies start to announce layoffs, there may be something else at play. Your boss may be in the process of “quiet firing” you. Rather than implement layoffs and dole out pricey severance packages, some companies are ramping up their efforts to encourage low performers to quit by eliminating responsibilities and stalling employee development.
Coaching Helps Escape Quiet Quitting
If you feel like you might be quiet quitting, it’s time to act. TES coaches can help you reevaluate your career trajectory and lead you to a rewarding future. Our coaches use an education-based coaching strategy to help you explore your options, possibilities, and dreams. Taking time to invest in yourself can help you maintain your career ambition, even as your job saps your energy.
A Career Ownership Coach™ starts by helping you discover your Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity™ goals. Only 51% of Americans are living comfortably on their current income, reports Gallup. Determining the benchmarks you need to hit to achieve the life you desire will help you meet your aspirations. Once you determine your goals, our coaches guide you as you decide on the right path to make them a reality. They offer support as you make the decision to find a new job in corporate America, start a business from scratch, or invest in a franchise.
At TES, we believe it’s possible to achieve the American dream. Charting a new course and taking charge of your future by becoming an entrepreneur may be a rewarding way to meet your goals.
Contact a TES Coach Today!
If you are putting your career aspirations on hold by quiet quitting, reignite your ambition by contacting a Career Ownership Coach™ to learn more about entrepreneurship. For more information about TES, visit, or check out our guide book, “Your Career 2.0® A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome®.”